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.NET Core


How to sell your SaaS offer through Microsoft

By on 15/12/2020

Sell your SaaS offer in Microsoft Marketplace or AppSource

Perhaps you already published your service in the Microsoft Marketplace or AppSource. Now you want to implement the Transact option —…


Tag your Infusionsoft contacts with .NET Core

By on 04/10/2018

Putting my OpenSource implementation for the Infusionsoft API into action. Basically it’s about authorizing the hosted web application to access your Infusionsoft account. And then you can read all…


Open Source: infusionsoft.netstandard

By on 30/07/2018

A project of mine that ended, but the results contain quite some application code that could be useful to you perhaps. The first part that I want to publish…


Why you should separate your Fronts and Backs

By on 14/06/2018

Of I course I mean the Frontends and Backends.

Frontend is what the user sees and with which she or he communicates. Like a Webpage. Or…


SQL Server with .NET Core and EntityFramework on Mac

By on 14/03/2018

I completely updated this article on Medium, implementing a full example on GitHub and using just Visual Studio Code. Please follow this link.

These technologies are used in this tutorial….